David Arnold

circle shape for animation
Path 5Created with Sketch.
paint splash shape for animation
Path 5Created with Sketch.
Path 5Created with Sketch.
David Arnold co-founder of Outible digital agency profile

David was born in Wirral, England, and is the co-founder and one of the principal software developers at Outible.

For the past ten years, David has been developing enterprise-level software for a variety of organisations in England and Wales. While David's bachelor's degree in computer science helped him comprehend the fundamentals of software engineering, he feels that staying current with development trends and adapting to new technologies is critical to delivering exceptional software.

David usually writes on emerging technologies, software development basics, and how digital agencies may help your business succeed. And every now and then a thought about what it is like to be a software developer in general, and how to improve your skills in any industry.